Friday, February 8, 2013

Project YummyTe | The Shinkansen Experience

Shinkansent! HAHA. Shin-Osaka to Tokyo in ~3 hours time. :)

Trains are the most convenient way of travelling in Japan. For foreigners with the JR Pass, it is very easy to reserve seats for the Shinkansen train, just go to the JR Office inside the train station, and the Japanese staffs will be happy to reserve seats for you. JR Pass covers only JR Trains, including Local Trains and Shinkansen. However, if you plan to ride the Mizuho and Nozomi Shinkansen trains, you need to pay a fee on top of your JR Pass.

For more information on JR Pass, visit: Japan Guide on JR Pass

Shin-Osaka Train Station, 6:00AM GMT +9
Nice idea of putting information in the service desk. :)

Reserve seatings, too early in the morning to be filled up. :)

We encountered heavy snow on the way to Tokyo. I think this was Nagoya. :)

Heavy snow covering the tracks

White tracks. :)

Roads covered with snow in Nagoya

Snow stopped! Clear tracks. :)
Fuji-san! Too bad the cloud is on the way. :)

Videographer filming the "Hayai" Shinkansen. :)

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